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Unconventional Methodologies, Unbelievable Outcomes

Training For

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The Excel Pro Advantage


Customisable programs


Customisable programs and modules life skills development using accelerated learning methodologies

Transformational experiences

Empower your teams with training that drives top companies of the country

High impact interventions 


Several modules offered focusing on different skills depending on your requirements


16+ years of experience

Fulfilling experience in the field of corporate human resources training.

High Calibre facilitators


A team of experienced and dedicated trainers to support you every step of the way

200,000 participants

Changed the lives of close to two lakh people across the country.

Making  Global Transformations Consistently
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Process and Expertise

Excel Pro has Multi-Lingual, Multi-Talented Experienced Faculty who facilitate accelerated learning for High Energy Skill Building Programs with activities using multiple methodologies leading to long term impact. 

Employee Engagement Workshop

The need of the hour! Life abounds with pressure and difficulties, and while we try to overcome them, it is constantly adding more. The expectations we set will shape our destiny. But how do we set ourselves a pathway of excellence to manage the lows and highs with equal aplomb? We can help you with that!

Communication Workshop

Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer, think out of the box, negotiate, take control, ace it. We teach you how to correlate the power of need to the creation of need, as well as subtle messaging, the importance of body language, etc!

Energy Management Workshop

Teachers and facilitators are Energy Managers. How well they play with their own energy and use it to stoke the energy of their wards is a skill that can be honed. Stoking weak flames and dousing excessive ones, while consistently creating a safe environment for sharing, caring and learning are vital. We teach you how to do just that!

Personality Development Workshop

Everyone has the ability to lead a life of fulfilment, being the best at what they can. They just need a trigger to spark of their abilities and help them set goals, create the world around them as they desire. Grooming, Etiquette, Leadership, Team Dynamics, Goal Setting - all this contributes towards a life of excellence being the spark for many to follow!

"I'm really happy to say that the trainings have almost changed the whole way i used to think & act . I have lost all the fears that I had & have started acting with much more sincerity & result oriented."



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